(Last update: 8 December 2023)

Research (Academic) Article Requirements

  • Research goal/question explicitly defined
  • Relationship vis-à-vis the existing literature on a given topic clearly articulated (a separate literature review section is not necessary, but it should be clear how the paper builds on or relates to the existing literature)
  • Theoretical, conceptual, or methodological framework explained (i.e. clear research design and clarification of how the paper is theoretically, conceptually, methodologically or analytically framed)
  • The main argument and/or key conclusions explicitly stated
  • Standard research articles should fit within the range of 6 000 to 12 000 words, including footnotes, all the references and abstract (about 100-200 words). In case of contributions to thematic sections, manuscripts should fit within the range of 4 000 to 8 000 words, including footnotes, all the references and abstract (100-200 words). If your paper exceeds the aforementioned length, please consult the editorial team. In justified cases, we allow authors to publish longer articles.
  • There are no publication fees or article processing charges.

Key Principles of the Peer Review Process

During the peer-review process of research articles, we stick to the following principles:

  • Double-blind review managed by PCE editors and conducted by external experts on a given topic
  • External double-blind review is preceded by the initial editorial assessment of manuscripts by CEJISS editors. A manuscript can be rejected as inappropriate at this stage.
  • At least two external reviews of each manuscript
  • CEJISS editors are responsible for summarising key points of reviews and discussing possible unclarities or contradictory claims that appear in reviews with the author.
  • Editorial comments are an integral part of the review process (editors may request changes before or after the peer-review process)
  • Depending on the initial reviews and the quality of the author's revisions after the first round of reviews, PCE editors may request another round of external reviews (typically by the same reviewers) or make a decision without further external assessments.
  • PCE accepts only manuscripts that have not been published in other journals yet or are not under consideration by another journal/publishing house.

Please note that by submitting your manuscript you agree with the aforementioned principles and the general ethical guidelines.

Thematic section
Special issues